Japan - Inspection - Verification - Certification - Assurance

UK - Japan Assurance Consultancy

Effective assurance solutions, across a more connected World


The JIVCA team have over 30 years experience delivering assurance solutions to specialised industries across the globe.

JIVCA can offer tailored solutions to your Assurance / TIC (Testing, Inspection and Certification) activities in Japan and beyond. We can support all aspects of oversight, strategic and operational management. Services are flexible and tailored to cover project requirements and can include any level from a simple process effectiveness audit through to major projects for performance review, turn-around, recruitment, sale preparation and acquisition of assurance business in Japan.

JIVCA can also source and supply temporary resource to cover specialist skillsets;

JIVCA Solutions

JIVCA can also design and supply scalable assurance solutions, incorporating inspection, verification, attestation, certification across digital and legacy platforms. Digital verification and certification solutions can be combined with legacy systems to ensure the most efficient assurance is delivered. .

Tailored packages are available on request, please contact us for further information.